
Some call it Europe — We call it Home

We are AEGEE-Heidelberg

AEGEE-Heidelberg is one of around 140 local branches of the European non-profit student network AEGEE (Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l’Europe) which strives for a democratic, diverse and borderless Europe.

Our branch was founded in 1987 and since then we have been a place which welcomes young people interested in furthering their international and especially European identity. Here in Heidelberg we currently have 45 members, mostly students, from all kinds of cultural backgrounds. We promote AEGEEan values through various local and international activities such as thematic workshops, cultural exchanges, activities for ERASMUS+ students in Heidelberg, and international events.

Curious? Join one of our events or follow us on social media!

Follow us on our social media accounts, such as our WhatsApp interest group, in order to stay up-to-date with our events. There we also announce if we have to spontaneously cancel an event. You can also reach us at

Upcoming events

Weekly Meetings

Our weekly meeting is the main organizational meeting where we plan our events and discuss various current aspects of our local. Everyone is welcome to join, even if you're just curious about what we do. 

During lecture periods: Weekly meetings take place Tuesdays at 8pm on the top-most floor of the Marstallcafé:

Outside of lecture periods: Typically biweekly meetings on Tuesdays 8pm at the StuRa: